kava in europeCategoriesBasic

Experts and authorities on Kava Kava

Experts and authorities on Kava Kava

The most important quotes in one place!

We have collected the most important, interesting and inspiring statements about Kava Kava. Among the contributors, you will find experts from different disciplines and specialisations, such as neuroscience or psychology, but also botanists, travellers or ethnologists. The collection is of course not closed – if you would like to share a contribution that is missing here – feel free to contact us or comment below! Let’s build this collection together!

Noble Kava in EuropeCategoriesKnowledge

Kavalactones. The mystery of nature under screening.

Kavalactones. That is, how Kava Kava works

Where does the unique effect of Kava come from? How is it possible that Kava can simultaneously calm the nervous system and increase dopamine and serotonin levels? At the same time, provide inner peace and restore energy for action? 

The answer lies primarily in the roots of Kava and the action of its active ingredients, the kavalactones. Or to be more precise: in their interaction. It is the particular composition of the kavalactones – the natural chemotype – that determines the way in which a particular Kava affects our body.