Work-life balance and perfect balance. How Kavaha helps you find balance in your daily life.
What exactly is the famous “work-life balance”? Practical principle, real goal or ideal? This phenomenon escapes definitions and pigeonholing. It’s also like a repeated mantra. You can hear about it both at corporate training and after hours, for example watching TV series (isn’t Friends one big story about daily breaks from work?). It’s both a measure of professional success and personal happiness. And for a long time it seemed to be perfectly universal. Eternal. Can’t be changed. But something between “work” and “life” has changed. The balance point on the scale has moved.
More and more often we wonder whether the work-life distinction will serve us. At first glance, everything seems simple: at work, we forget about (other) life, then we forget about work, switch off and focus on the “right” life.

Adaptogens and Kava. How nature fights stress.
Adaptogens are a phenomenon. First of all, the phenomenon of nature: plants with unique properties, often hidden in inaccessible places and surrounded by an aura of wonder, for thousands of years used and deemed invaluable in ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine (although reserved mainly for rulers and elites – these herbal potions used by, amongst others, Genghis Khan). On the other hand, adaptogens are also a modern health phenomenon: safe support of the body in even the most demanding conditions, until recently used almost exclusively by astronauts or Olympians, today gaining widespread popularity around the world.
Adaptogens fascinate researchers and users. We are most fascinated by the question: is Kava an adaptogen?